Employee Spotlight - Leon De Jager


We are pleased to highlight one of our impressive team members all the way from South Africa, Leon de Jager. While Leon excels in his role as a Quantity Surveyor, he also takes time to make a positive impact on the environment. 

Leon and his trusty assistant Laika alongside approximately 3,000 cuttings prepared for a tree planting weekend.

Leon has taken it upon himself to plant indigenous “Spekboom” to combat soil erosion and degradation in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa. Growing easily from cuttings, Spekboom has the added benefit of being one of the best plants in the world for absorbing carbon from the atmosphere. 

Spekboom planted in close proximity to serve as a “living retaining wall”.

Leon has chosen to plant on an area of steep slope covering around 3 hectares because of its impact on a greater area downstream. He has planted approximately 20,000 cuttings thus far, and he’s not done yet. Leon’s passion for environmental conservation is an inspiration, and we could all take a leaf out of his book! 

Rows are planted at regular intervals following the contour lines of the slope.

We’re proud to have Leon as part of our team and want to take this opportunity to congratulate him on his worthwhile efforts.

Keep up the great work, Leon. 

Assistant, Laika, taking a break after a hard day’s work!
